Monday, July 6, 2009

To My Healing Friends

Hold on to your seats. It's a bumpy ride! One that we all hope is nearing the turn in the bend. What is the life lesson that keeps asking you to realize you have to let go/redefine/begin from zero?

According to our work, it is all about trusting the Universe. We are all doing/doing/doing without BEING. And in the final step, if we don't "let go" and trust the Universe to deliver -- IT CAN'T!! It's like saying, "I dare you to find me" when you're hiding in a place where you can't be found. Or, to use an analogy close to my heart, it's like an actor getting opposite directions that they can't possibly carry out. So join me in claiming: I AM ENOUGH. I BELONG. I SURRENDER. I TRUST THE UNIVERSE. I KNOW.

Because it's all done. The work is done. The allowing is here. But we must trust to, well, allow the allowing!

And this can feel like death. Letting go of all our stories, all our blaming, all our victimness, all our limiting definitions of who we have been. So CHOOSE to do that NOW. Once the choice is made, it is miraculous how the fear dissipates. The power of this moment - when you choose consciously to live in DIVINE LOVE - creates every vibration from the past NEW, and creates the present and future according to your direction.

Celebrate yourself and LOVE YOURSELF unconditionally! I do!


P.S. My new book with Jarrad Hewett can be downloaded @
My radio shows are Consciously Creating Your Life every other Thursday at 7pm PST at and Conscious Creation every 4th Monday of the month at 9am PST at Join me on a healing cruise Nov. 6-9 to Baja! Go to for info

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