Monday, March 23, 2009

To My Acting Friends

Well, the energy has been very busy out here! While finishing my second book, I participated in four different films and booked a wonderful cameo in the next Harrison Ford/Brendan Frasier film, "Crowley." I have several jobs "pending," but I can't share with you yet, because the paperwork isn't complete. I can say that it looks like I Scream Man will be going this summer - finally! And it also looks like I will move into my first directing assignment which I am extremely excited about. More on that in my next update! The biggest gifts I can give you regarding your own acting are these: Breathe and Know. Before you go into an audition, put your script down, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. This opens up your channel to higher information, and allows your subconscious to supply the lines. It is a simple, amazing tool that will empower you. The second is to give yourself the direction that "I Know." You are pure energy which Knows everything, and the more information and surety you will receive. When you walk into an audition "Knowing," they can't help but be put at ease, and then they can "Know" with you that you can do the part.