Sunday, December 7, 2008

Greetins Friends!

The Universe has created life in an interesting way this month. It hasn't created much acting - because it opened up time to work with my fabulous editor on my second book. We are almost ready to send the first four chapters to the agent! This book has been so much easier and more joyful to write. For those who read Conscious Creation (thank you!) this next book is more of an autobiographical journey through my career and how it expanded and defined my spirituality. Sometimes funny sometimes irreverent, it's a great read!

I am shooting a cameo with Rosanna Arquette in a beautiful film entitled "Exodus Fall" in December and then traveling to spend ten days with my family for the holidays. Next year is lining up to be exciting and productive. Already on the books is "Brotherly Love" with Peter Coyote.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you the happiest of holidays. Choose to write your own script this year -- of joy, creative expression, passion, love and abundance.

Choose to define your life in a new way without the old "scripts." Let's write a new one that will be the Amazing Film of My New Story." It's guaranteed to be a blockbuster!


Monday, November 3, 2008

To My Acting Friends

It has been a ride! If you ever think the business gets easier the longer you're in it - think again! It always tests you, keeps you growing, keeps you questioning yourself.

I left my very big, heavyweight agency to go with an agent I had become friends with and whom I really trusted. Within weeks he left to become a manager, leaving me a relatively free agent. Not a great scenario.

Instead of going into the unfairness and becoming the victim, I chose to accept this as a perfect unfolding of what I had been directing my career to be: Film. I realized I kept SAYING I wanted to be a major film actress (again) while I was holding the beliefs it "probably wasn't going to happen." I was doing the very subconscious sabotage I know so well how to get others out of!

So, of course, I kept getting those sentiments mirrored back to me. When I realized it, I claimed it to all my reps. Well, when you come forward like that, the Universe has to deliver. Even if you have to go through what appears to be a mess to get to the right place.

I just signed with Amsel, Eisenstadt and Frazier - a very well respected, older firm whom I've known since my arrival in L.A. But ultimately, I know it is about me and my knowing (see healing blog for more info!).

In the meantime, I am promoting my book, Conscious Creation (available on, my Criminal Minds episode is on November 12th on CBS. I am in negotiations for a move I love, and anxiously awaiting my favorite time - Christmas.

Just remember, your working in the biz is mostly about you. Take your creative, passionate joy into everything you do. Connect ALL the WAY. The Universe - and the business - has to respond!


P.S. I'm adding an additional on-line class: How to Audition. Enjoy!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wow! If you ever wanted to know how my healing work helps crate my career, these past two months is proof positive!

I have had the time of my life playing several delicious parts in five different projects in two months, worked with some amazingly talented people and traveled to beautiful places. I've made money and practiced my craft -- and all during a time when strikes and the economy seem to "keep a lot of people not working." Very blessed, indeed.

My new agency, Venture IAB, is getting me "out" more than ever on roles that I am really right for. Everything is simply -- great.

I am tremendously busy in October at Sci-Fi conventions. So, please check the listing of appearances on the acting page. For those of you in LA, I am planning on being at the Pasadena show in October.

As far as insights into acting -- 1. don't judge -- people or material. You stop the flow of energy and consciousness available to you. 2. HAVE FUN! If you have fun, it permeates the room. And then they have fun watching you. 3. Breathe. Deep breaths before you audition help ground you and again, open the channel. 4. Finally, tell your ego to take a walk. It will want to control everything. Control and creativity are opposite energy.

Lots of exciting things in the works, but can't share them yet! Hopefully, next time I will have some GREAT news to share.

Blessings, Dee

Friday, August 1, 2008

To My Acting Friends

It has been a huge, glorious month of travel, work and weddings. I participated in my good friend's daughter's wedding in Kansas City, shot a fabulous project for a webisode called Fuzz Track City, had a personal appearance in Rosewell, New Mexico, and then participated in my neice's wedding in Pennsylvania. We are now on our way to Baja for a week of just plain fun.

When does a girl have time to work? Well, as soon as she gets back! Doing a great little comedy with Chevy Chase and Winona Ryder called Stay Cool for The Polish Brothers, then heading to Horrorfind in Washington D.C. It appears that Killing Ruth is going to happen, so I will be heading to Canada the first of September.

And there are so many things pending we hardly can keep track of them. Hopefully, the union will not decide to strike and we can all WORK. Everything is kind of on hold now. Waiting.

I hope you all liked my Saving Grace episode. I was a tiny bit disappointed in the editing as a lot of my really good moments were not actually ON camera. But very few people noticed that, and most really loved the episode. It's a good lesson for an actor to remember that you KNOW what happened on the set and how much you shot, so you miss what doesn't get on screen. It's a mixture of ego and expectation, and a fine line to walk. Ultimately, you just have to show up and do your best. And move on.

I am hoping to have many exciting things to report soon, once deals are closed. I'll keep you posted! In the meantime, keep supporting shows that employ ACTORS. We need the support! Love, Dee

Friday, July 4, 2008

For My Acting Friends

This month I did the unthinkable: I took a project that none of my reps wanted me to do.

It was a script that was left at Steve Eastin's studio (where I study) and also sent to my manager.

The query letter stated that there was no pay, SAG deferred, nobody had many major credits, but they'd love me to play this certain female role.

"We should pass," I was told. And if fate hadn't intervened we might have.

But I was getting on the plane the next day and didn't have anything to read. What the heck. I'll take the script.

Well, I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS SCRIPT! It is one of the best scripts I've read in years. And then I met the people and fell in love with them. My co-star - FABULOUS!

I am having the time of my life and remember why I became an actor in the first place: the high!

So, I share this with you to encourage you to keep a balance in your career. Do some for the money, some for the material, and some for the fun. You never know when you'll strike gold! BTW - It's called Fuzz Track City. Look for it on the web!!